Articles by topic
Mammals fill many roles in our ecosystems and have adapted to fill a variety of niches where they can truly thrive. While some of these wide-ranging furry friends can be found throughout the state, some of them are more reclusive and can only be found in specific habitats. Learn about all the cool ways mammals contribute to our ecology.
Old Growth Trees
There are around 8,000,000,000 trees in Pennsylvania covering over 16,000,000 acres, but only .06% of that contain trees predating the 20th century. Either through early colonization or the later boom-and-bust cycles much of the old-growth forests no longer remain, but we have pockets of theses ancient trees right here in our backyard. Explore some of these sylvan sanctuaries and discover what Pennsylvania was like before people.
Summer Birds
The spring and fall bring the greatest diversity of birds to our region, but what about all the ones that call this place home? Dive into a new understanding of our summer avian residents and learn about some of our friendly flying friends. We will explore species that have adapted to cohabitate with humans and secretive forest dwelling birds.